
Tangled vines and brambles mounded up from the ground, nearly blocking out the sun. Humbled before this mass, Chelle could only gape. An enormous set of double doors had been set into the otherwise natural accretion. Bound in bands of brass, the massive slabs of oak easily doubled Chelle’s height. Despite the howling wind, steady […]

READ/WRITE Episode 2 – Shut up, Dandelion

This week hosts Sam and Brendan are joined by guest Martin to discuss the final three short stories of The Last Wish, by Andrzej Sapkowsky. Geralt takes a bath in A Matter of Price, meets a friendly satyr in The Edge of the World and goes fishing with his friend, Dandelion, in The Last Wish. […]

Two-Score’s Tale Seven

Hello, hello! Welcome everyone to tonight’s performance. I know many of you are regulars, familiar with my adventures, but for those of you new to the excitement, I suppose I should offer a summary. Find a seat, or find someone to hold onto, because this is going to be a whirlwind! Read the rest of […]


Eventually, everything falls down. Every wall, every chimney and every roof. It takes energy just to maintain the status quo. Entropy eats away at everything, no matter how perfectly constructed or engineered. Even a people with far greater technology than our own would be hard-pressed to create something large and complex that would last hundreds […]