The Court of the County King

“Pay Here,” the sign insisted, and Gillian knew it to be an irresistible truth. Everyone who approached this brutalist monolith would pay, one way or another. For her, the call had come before sunrise. A hammering on the door, a blank faced man holding an envelope. She was called for an audience and refusal would […]

Images and Words

The painting was exquisite. As Hella applied the final strokes with her brush, she knew this wasn’t precisely what she had imagined when she began, but she simply hadn’t known this was what the painting was meant to be.

The Battle of Marathon

The last enemy vessel detonated, washing the Alliance forces in hard radiation. Fragments of metal pinged off the hull of the corvette Athena. “Incoming transmission, Captain. It’s the Admiral,” the communications officer reported. Captain Sardis nodded, and the an image of the Admiral appeared before him, standing by the rail over the control pit. “Well […]

2016: A Book Odyssey

Okay, so I posted a while ago that I had only read eleven books this year. I was so disappointed with myself. Well, after playing around with Goodreads, entering books for days, I realized that was a bit of an understatement. At this point I’ve managed to crank that number up to fifteen novels, plus […]

Too Hot to Handle

I got to work with someone extremely frustrating last week. So infuriating I thought I might be forced to murder them. Unfortunately that kind of behaviour is frowned on were I work. Instead, I decided I would just kill them in effigy, in fiction. And you know what? It really helped. Instead of wanting to […]

The First Rule of Book Club

I’m not a big fan of clubs. I don’t object to the idea itself. Its the people. Everyone else seems to want to be part of a group. I go out of my way not to be. But there is one type of club I’ve always found intriguing. Book clubs at least make sense. I’m […]

More Like Great Reads

I created a Goodreads account a couple of days ago. I then spent a feverish thirty-six hours entering every book I could remember reading. The more I added, the more I remembered, and the more I added. I knew I read a lot of books, but the number of books I had forgotten I have […]