Voight-Kampf Tests for Fun and Profit

I’m a little obsessed with artificial intelligence. So much of the media I consumed as a kid had some kind of android or AI. Daneel Olivia from Asimov’s Robot novels. The Terminator from, well, Terminator. Star Trek’s Data. System Shock’s SHODAN. Hell, even the Transformers cartoons. I thought they were all amazing.


Eventually, everything falls down. Every wall, every chimney and every roof. It takes energy just to maintain the status quo. Entropy eats away at everything, no matter how perfectly constructed or engineered. Even a people with far greater technology than our own would be hard-pressed to create something large and complex that would last hundreds […]

Flesh Wounds

Its been a little bit since I posted here. I’ve been a little busy with Thanksgiving and some other stuff, but I’ve got a little bit of stuff ready anyway. Another scene connected to Toward the World Tree, this is probably going to be a flashback to fill some of the important background stuff. This […]

Toward the World Tree

Here’s another scene from my as-yet-unnamed short story. For reasons I can’t explain, I seem to only write this on time stolen from work but this thing seems to be writing itself, so who am I to argue. I don’t know for sure where I’m going yet, but it seems pretty cool so far. We’ll […]

Daily Prompt: Tree

via Daily Prompt: Tree I thought I’d give the daily prompt a try today, and it sure worked out. I have already written a scene in the short story this is apparently becoming, so this little excerpt just kind of came naturally. Get some fantasy space trees.